News + Press

We must heal our rural health care system

Texas’ rural health care system is in serious trouble. The numerous problems plaguing rural health are well-documented and have been described as a succession of bad situations that are getting worse.

The reality of rural Texas hospitals

Rural hospitals have been struggling as many patients are uninsured, and Texas has not accepted the Medicaid expansion that would pay for 90% of their bills.

Nurses and hospital advocates alike say they are turning to the legislature to help hospitals thrive coming out of the pandemic.

Report: some rural Texas hospitals at risk of closing

Texas wants to know: what does the future hold for the state’s rural hospitals?

Twenty-six percent of rural hospitals in Texas are at risk of closure, according to a report issued late last year

Texas Department of Agriculture seeking $500,000 for mental health resources

Commissioner Sid Miller is aware of the high suicide rates in the agriculture industry, so he started AgriStress because of the concern he had with farmers and ranchers’ mental health.

Briggs, Francis: We Must Heal Our Rural Health Care System

Texas’ rural health care system is in serious trouble. The numerous problems plaguing rural health are well-documented and have been described as a succession of bad situations that are getting worse.

Farmers face a higher risk of suicide. The Texas Agriculture Department wants $500,000 a year to change that.

Health Care for New Mothers in Texas Is Abysmal. Will the Lege Finally Take Action?

Lawmakers from both parties are backing two key bills that would help keep new moms alive and healthy. But similar efforts have fallen short in past sessions.

The department’s helpline is less than a year old. But advocates hope state lawmakers fully fund it as farmers and ranchers continue to face hard economic times and isolation.

After a hospital stopped delivering babies, Deep East Texas faces a growing maternity care crisis

Women in Deep East Texas drive over an hour to give birth after the last obstetrics unit in the area closed in 2019. But if closing the unit was hard, reopening it is proving nearly impossible.

Why health care is still hard to access in rural towns near Texas’ bigger cities

Bigger cities like Lubbock can unintentionally suck health care resources and professionals from smaller towns

Texas Town Tries a New Model for Saving Rural Health Care

Reflecting the struggles facing hospitals throughout rural America, Bowie Memorial Hospital has closed twice since 2015…

A Lifeline for Rural Texas Hospitals Comes With Strings Attached

Federal help could keep facilities open in several small towns, but they’ll be forced to cut back to offering only emergency care.